
Welcome to inspire-music...

a place for everyone involved in music education – school based, community based, formal, informal, non-formal - to be curious, to be inspired and to think about what really works. Inspire-music has been created by a National Working Group chaired by Professor Graham Welch, supported by Programme Director Katherine Zeserson, and initially funded by the Paul Hamlyn Foundation. Since 2017, Inspire-Music has been maintained –gratis— by Sonustech Digital Solutions. In December 2021, the Inspire-Music portal received support for re-development from the Rainbow Dickinson Trust and the Society for Education, Music and Psychology Research (Sempre).


How to use this resource?

There is no single or right way to use inspire-music.


singing strategy audit

be part of one of the most comprehensive national surveys ever undertaken around singing in education...


project background

Paul Hamlyn Foundation is a major UK philanthropic foundation established in 1987, giving around £25 million per annum to “help people overcome disadvantage and lack of opportunity, so that they can realise their potential and enjoy fulfilling and creative lives”

inspire video thoughts

video showcase

you can access this album directly on vimeo in case your device does not support the player plugin

inspire-music twitter feed

be part of this #YouInspireMusic stay in touch at @inspiremusicorg

