
Welcome to Inspire Music's Singing Strategy Audit tool.

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Whether you’re a school or a music education hub, we’d like to find out about singing in your setting/s. In completing the audit you’ll not only be contributing to one of the most comprehensive national surveys ever undertaken around singing in education, but also taking steps to develop further your own singing strategy.

In addition, and linking into the aims of Inspire Music, we’ll be collecting examples of your effective practice in singing, and helping you to find effective practice which may help you develop your strategy and achieve your goals.

This is not an inspection! We are not passing judgement on anything you share, nor sharing your specific data publicly, so you can feel comfortable in being honest with your responses.

We anticipate that the audit will take you between 20 and 30 minutes to complete, and the majority of questions are tick-box rather than free-text.

Please note: it is not possible to save and return to this survey, so it’s worth having all of your information to hand so that you can complete the audit in one sitting. To help with this, you can download a PDF of the audit questions for your setting below, so that you can gather the required information before commencing the audit.

Download PDF audit outline

Do the survey

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